your visitor:
Welcome to my ugly lil corner of the internet!!!
Hello my friend!!! How are you today? I hope you're doing well <3
Now, who am I? Well, I'm the webmaster and you can call me vampi! I'm a short person from europe and I speak greek and a lil english.
This site is mainly made for yapping about my interests and thoughts and maybe archiving silly things <3
Feel free to explore this forever work in progress project and... yeah have nice day!!!!
06/01/25: Changed my "guestbook" page a lil
05/01/25: Once again I completely changed the home page lol (also new button!)
03/01/25: Added "shrines" page!!!
02/01/25: Changed completely the "about me" and "my ugly diary" page! Well actually I renamed the second page to "ugly journal". That's all! Have a nice dayyyy!!!!
31/12/24: Hellooooo!!! Just added "my ugly diary" page!
29/12/24: Finally finished my "resources" page yayyyyyy!
28/12/24: Added my "about me" page!! Well it's not finished but it's something (also added more neighbors!)
26/12/24: Made some tiny changes and added my guestbook!!!!
21/12/24: Added neighbors and stamps!
20/12/24: Added my button!!
10/12/24: Yeah I actually didn't like the previous layout so I completely changed it.
16/11/24: Finally uploaded here on Neocities!!
since 2024
This site was made using Google Chrome on a 1366 x 768 resolution. This is NOT mobile friendly. Pages look kinda off? Click here to see how they're supposed to look like!
ready to cringe? (maybe?)
"You’ve always wanted to cure what you thought were weaknesses. Your leg. Your disease. But you were never broken, Viktor. There is beauty in imperfections. They made you who you are. An inseparable piece of everything... I admired about you.“
- jayce talis from arcane
"It's time to give this place back to people who know how to build things. You and me, we're just killers out of history. It's time for us to go."
- trevor belmont from castlevania